Patient Rights & Responsibilities
To define the Rights and Responsibilities for all patients or parents or guardians of patients in the hospital.
- Impartial access to care and treatment that is medically indicated regardless of race, creed, sex, national origin or sources of payment for care.
- Considerate and respectful care.
- Respect for your spiritual, psychosocial and cultural beliefs.
- Informed participation in decisions involving health care and informed consent as applicable.
- Participation in consideration of ethical issues including forgoing or withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment and/or participation in investigational studies/ clinical trials.
- To be cared for by staff who are educated about patient rights and their role in supporting these rights.
- Effective management of pain as appropriate to the medical diagnosis or surgical procedure. Reasonable safety in so far as the hospital practices and environment are concerned.
- To know the identity and professional status of those providing service.
- To obtain complete and current information concerning diagnosis, treatment, and known prognosis, and plans for discharge and follow-up care.
- The access to people outside the hospital by means of visitors and by verbal and written communication.
- To refuse treatment to the extent permitted by law and be informed of the medical consequences of such action.
- To consult with a specialist.
- To appoint a decision maker if unable to communicate.
- Have an advance directive (such as a living will or durable power of attorney for health care) concerning treatment or designating a surrogate decision maker with the expectation that the hospital will honor that directive to the extent permitted by law.
- Not to be transferred to another facility without an explanation and list of alternatives.
- Expect that all communications and records pertaining to your care be treated as confidential by the hospital, except in cases such as suspected abuse or public health hazards which are required by law to be reported.
- To access protective services, if needed.
- Information about hospital policies that relate to your care. You have the right to express a concern or complaint regarding your care to the attending physician, nurse assigned to you, or the nursing supervisor. You have the right to a timely response to your concern or complaint and a resolution when possible. Expression of a concern or complaint will not compromise your care or future access to care.
- Receive care in a safe setting.
- To be free from all forms of abuse or harassment.
- To be free from restraints of any form that are not medially necessary.
- To request and receive an explanation of your hospital bill.
The Patient/Parent/Guardian has the following responsibilities:
- Ask questions about specific problems and request information when you do not understand your illness or treatment.
- Provide accurate and complete medical information (including present medications) to physician and other caregivers.
- Provide the hospital with a copy of your written advance directive if you have one.
- Consider the rights of all hospital personnel and other patients and ensure that your visitors are considerate in the control of noise, limiting number of visitors, and abstaining from smoking.
- Respect hospital property and the property of other patients.
- Follow all hospital policies affecting patient care and conduct.
- Provide necessary information to ensure processing of hospital bill and make payment arrangements when necessary.
- Participate and follow your treatment plan and instructions, and to accept consequences of not following instructions.